Tuesday 28 September 2010

new start....

Just started university in Salford, second day there so far everything going great so far, meeting new people making new friends.
Got some news as well. I (swansong) will be playing a gig on the 8th of october in bolton. this should be good, i've got a new synth which i'm picking up later on today. really excited.
ive also got a management showcase with the band which is on the 23rd of october. this should be good.
til next

Saturday 11 September 2010

new videos!!!!!!!

hey there just finished making two new videos, I have used footage from a really old stop motion animation I found on an awesome website called archive.org. The videos are for the songs almost lost and raindrops. Raindrops being my particular favourite. I'm trying to teach myself how to edit video using final cut. Editing video is quite similar to audio so its not not too difficult but its just the basics that keep sending to the manual. Hope you like these videos and let me know what you think.
Also if any budding directors want to create a video for me that would be incredible. drop me an email if this is you.
I'm currently arranging my live set, trying to make it a little different to the recordings, we shall see what happens, im very excited about and Im currently tring to arrange some shows in the manchester area.
hope your well
til next time

Wednesday 8 September 2010

album now available for sale

my debut album "silence panic silence" is now available for download and will cost £4. I think this is a very reasonable price for the album, the amount of time and effort put into it alone. This album is my baby and I look forward to getting it out into the public and hearing your thoughts and opinions. Im working on putting up some remixes that you will be able to download for free.
I am also looking for anyone who would like to do any remixes of any of the tracks off the album, I want to make a remix album fo all the tracks that i will also release.
hope you have a great day and stick my album on your ipod.
til next

Tuesday 7 September 2010

David Whitham session

I spent last sunday in dave's front room recording some lovely folk songs, (well we recording in between smoking and drinking) got nine songs recorded which were both really really happy with. I am going to spend a couple of hours today mixing the tracks and getting them finished looking forward to hearing the finished results.
The songs have a real natural vibe to them so much so that you can sometimes hear cars passing by, it all adds to the character.
til next

Friday 3 September 2010

and so the EP became an album...

hey there, ive not updated in a little while been really busy recording and mixing what was supposed to be a three track ep that has transformed into an 8 track album with 4o mins of music. just couldnt stop myself. im really happy with the overall vibe of the album, really dark and very bass heavy. have a listen and let me know what you think, im in the process of putting it on itunes so you can download a copy if you feel a little crazy.
ive also been sorting out the online side of things with a cool new webpage that acts as a hub for you too see everything swansong... facebook, myspace, youtube, my blog, and soundcloud account.

on the song side of things ive got the debut album which is lovingly called silence panic silence (a phrase i just cant seem to shake).
theres also the rosa ep which i finished a couple of months ago which is definitely worth listen or two, and also a couple of rosa remixes that i royally fooked up (in the best of ways)

Yesterday I also finished my first music video, the video is for the track message to god and features uneasy footage of a mannequin factory. Message to god was one of the first tracks i made for the album and was written about a moment that I will always remember for the rest of my life...

have a watch and let me know what you think.

I am also looking for gigs here there and everywhere at the moment, especially a album launch somewhere in manchester, an excuse to get pissed and show off my new material. ill keep you posted on any gigs coming up.
and if you wanna put me on any shows get in contact and we'll sort something out.

til next time

Monday 14 June 2010

swansong-silence panic silence

Just finished the new Swansong EP, Which is my solo project. The EP is called Silence Panic Silence and is name Ive had spinning around my head for the longest of times. The EP is really electronic and quite dark, just the way I like it. I am looking forward to playing it out live, on my own which will be an exciting twist as Ive never actualy played live on my own... Im going to be using Ableton Live and my trusty launchpad to trigger loops and play live my old casio synth stuck through alot of effects. Ill be singing as well...well sort of singing ha. Playing my first gig tomorrow at Saki Bar in Manchester, really excited for it but also a little apprehensive. It shall be awesome.

time for china EP finished

Finished the time for china EP, You can listen to it on the left in the soundcloud player. Im really happy with how it sounds and the overall feel we managed to achieve. Now its finished were gonna get on and start playing gigs again, which is really exciting. I learnt alot whilst doing this EP and am eager to find any artists who want me to record or produce them. get in touch.
We have enough material now to make an album and plan on having this finshed by the end of Summer.
look out for us on a poster near you